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- American Physician Scientist Association Interactive Series: Ace Your Interviews! Insider Tips from Current MD/DO-PhD Trainees
Currently interviewing for MD/DO-PhD programs? This next APSA webinar might be for you! The American Physician Scientists Association is supporting you with an interactive session occurring on October 3rd, at 7PM Eastern. This session is open to all students, and is geared towards current applicants interviewing at MD-DO/PhD programs. A panel of current dual-degree trainees will be available to answer your questions and provide helpful interview tips to help you ace your interviews!
This session is intended for current applicants, but is open to all students. Anyone can join! Register for FREE at https://tinyurl.com/APSA-10-3-24. For more information about our sessions as well as an application FAQ document, please visit our website: www.physicianscientists.org/page/interactive-series.